Commit ea0063f2 authored by Vincent's avatar Vincent

update description

parent 9acb5c43
......@@ -18,12 +18,7 @@ do |s|
# * Finally, don't worry about the indent, CocoaPods strips it!
s.description = <<-DESC
app\'s miles® boosts your app\'s usage
Increase the traffic to your mobile app by reaching 100% of your visitors rather than the 2% who are converted and nudging them toward more profitable actions (visits, registration, sharing, purchases, feedback, etc.)
Often to make visiting your mobile app an automatic reflex with gifts & gift cards that can be used directly from a cell phone and retain all of the customers in touch with your brand: before, during and after the purchase process
Our technical team supports you in the installation of our SDK
Our marketing experts guides you in setting up your animation campaign
Your account manager creates your campaigns, analyzes them and then returns you the results
app’s miles® helps you develop and manage digital animation programs. We present challenges that are increasingly engaging to your users, allowing them to go up in levels, earn points and trophies, and redeem gifts. app’s miles® stabilises customer retention, helps users to discover the full breadth of the in-app features you’ve developed, and thereby makes them more committed to your brand.
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